Draughts – a logic game for two players that move the specialized figures-checkers on the board of a multicellular, like chess.
Like chess, draughts, reproduce actions according to certain rules fighting forces. Reliable information about the invention of draughts
history has not preserved. It is likely that different versions of the game invented in human history repeatedly and independently,
facilitated ease of inventory and regulations.
Despite the existing set of rules of the game of draughts, this program only supports the 4 most popular rules are included in the
program of the World Mind Sports Games. This International (10×10 board, 20 checkers for each player), Russian (8×8, 12), Brazilian
(8×8, 12) and Checkers (English, 8×8, 12) rules.
Played by two players, who early in the game are on the same set of figures-checkers, conventionally called "white" and "black"
("red" for Checkers). Players are also called respectively "White" and "Black" ("Red" at Checkers). Each set includes 12 pieces of
figures (20 for international rules). Draughts game begin "White" ("Red" at Checkers), then the parties make their moves in turn,
each turn moving one checker/king. The game ends one of the parties win or a draw.