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Go - a strategic board game, originated in ancient China between 2000 and 200 years BC, is a great workout for the mind, logical thought processes, imagination, short-term memory. It was invented by commanders for planning and playing at "war". Until the XIX century, cultivated only in Asia, in the XX century, spread throughout the world. Go is one of the most popular board games in the world. In 2000, the world playing Go about 27 million people.

In Go played on a rectangular board (15:14), lined with vertical and horizontal lines. Vertical lines indicated in Latin characters from left to right, starting with 'A' and with the omission of the letter 'I'. Horizontal lines - the numbers from the bottom up, starting with '1'. Each point on the intersection of the lines is marked by corresponding letters and numbers.

Played by two players, conventionally called "Black" and "White". Begin to "Black", then go one by one, exposing the stone to the selected item. The purpose of the game - to fence off the board with stones of his color more territory than the opponent. The game ends one of the parties win (draw is only possible if you install a number of komi - compensation for the "White" for the right to "Black" on the first turn).

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Moscow 2009-2020