Xiangqi – a logic game for two players, similar to chess. The most prevalent in China and several countries in the Far East.
Western scholars usually considered Xiangqi, as one of the branches of a class of games, which is the root of chaturanga,
launched in India no later than the V-VI centuries, and is the ancestor of all chess games type.
The game is played on a rectangular board, lined lines vertically and horizontally, 9×10 lines. The figures are placed at the
intersection of the lines. Between the two central contour is the river that elephants can not cross, and at the intersection of
a soldier he added the possibility of stroke to the left and right. The squares of 3×3, marked by two diagonal lines are called palaces
or fortresses. They can not leave the generals and advisers.
Played by two players, who early in the game are on the same set of figures, chips, different images for different parties,
conventionally called "red" and "black". Players also referred to as "Red" and "Black". In each set of figures includes: a general,
two counselors, two elephants, two horses, two chariots, two guns and five soldiers. The party begin "Red", then make moves by turns,
each turn by moving one piece. The game ends with a gain of one party or a draw.